Wheel Arches...

Well, wheel arches and all the rest... but arches are the theme for Wide Wednesday. Fairy vans processed through the village this evening raising funds for the Bristol Children's' Hospital. 

They left from the start point earlier than I expected and so I just caught a fleeting glimpse as they set off, horns blaring. I caught up with them almost back at home! 

Hard to photograph, not only because the lighting was highly constructed but the fairy lights were twinkling. This then is an eight frame HDR (Yes, stevvi, sometimes they work ok) to catch all the lights as they, um, lit.

I'm very tempted to do terrible things to our VW T4 for the next opportunity to be garishly noisy in the village... well, ok, I don't need a vehicle to be garishly noisy, but YKWIM. :-)

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