Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Song Thrush

I went out this morning and attempted to make some frozen bubbles. After 20 minutes of in and out and a revision of my solution, I  was fed up. The bubbles were popping as soon as they hit the ground. Maybe my solution is not optimum, or maybe it was not cold enough. I might have another go tomorrow morning if I'm up in time. 

Apart from a quick trip to the supermarket and the decoration of the Christmas Tree, it's been another quiet day. I spent a bit of time watching the birds and trying to get a shot of the Jay in flight - I failed miserably. It's not so easy with tree branches, feeders and bird baths getting in the way. However, I was thrilled to see this song thrush hopping around the borders. I know I only blipped on the other day, but we haven't seen one in the garden for many months. 

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