Robin's new coat (Day 2776)

Work this morning was an utter waste of time for me. Worse still I had organised a joiner to come along and fit the worktops for me and his time was wasted too. I had assumed that both bits of worktop would be the same, as they were both labelled as such, but when they were unwrapped they were totally different. Typically the piece which was wrong was the bit that the basin will sit in, so we couldn't even get that bit sorted out.
A replacement will not arrive until the middle of January.
I cleared out all of my tools and headed home, needing to get away from work for a while. After lunch I headed across to the horses with my beautiful wife and set about getting one of the wheels off the quad bike. HV had told me last night it had a puncture and it seemed a good enough opportunity to get the wheel off so it can be fixed. While we were there, HV put a rug on Robin for the first time. He's a hardy little guy, but it is bitterly cold and he needs a little extra to keep the weather off him.
The rest of the horses were intrigued by him in a coat and followed him around for a while, snuffling. This shot is squinty because I was walking backwards as I took it, pursued by Robin and the rest of the herd.

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