On a Cold and Frosty Morning

We were later in leaving for our dook this morning, allowing for a de-icing of windscreens and a rising of the sun.
It was the most perfect day - clear and sunny with no wind and a full low tide. In the distance Fife was obscured by a bank of fog that stretched the length of the horizon .

There was frost on the sand, icicles on the groyne and the seaweed was artistically fringed with frost, but the experience of dooking in a sea, warmer than the air, was exhilarating.

We managed 6 minutes in the water which is long enough not to lose the power of speech or the use of our fingers to dress.

My extra is of Sue and her sister, recently come from South Africa where she swims in water that is 18°…….. the downside being, there are sharks.

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