Fed Up?
Well the snow is still with us, it doesn't look like it's going anywhere soon. In fact it was snowing a bit more this morning, not forecast. Mrs blackbird looks as fed up as we are. I know it's only been a couple of days but we have lots to do to get ready for Christmas.
It's been a day for not doing much apart from defrosting the freezer, waiting for deliveries (Sainsbury's got through but so far Amazon haven't, despite supposedly being just 5 stops away this morning) and waiting for a bird to pose on the wall outside our bay window.
We did go for a walk yesterday afternoon, but had to come back after half an hour as I had an automatic message saying our Ring burglar alarm was sounding. I knew it would be a false alarm as nobody would be able to get up our drive let alone break in. We had to go back though, just in case. For some reason the study motion sensor was triggering the alarm, and then took itself off line. I changed the batteries so hopefully it will be OK now.
On our way home we were very nearly sent to meet our maker by an out of control snow plough on a tractor which was storming down the side road we were walking along. The driver just managed to regain control as it was skidding towards us.
They have snow in London now. Grandson Joe discovered you can make snow castles using a road cone (extra). He made a snow forest on the way to nursery this morning, topping each tree with a discarded nitrous oxide canister. The schools around us are all closed today.
Camera club this evening though. With remarkable foresight we have a remote Zoom meeting, a talk with the presenter joining us from Mexico.
One year ago:
Starlings ....
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