Eyes Down for a Cuppa

Still freezing and quite foggy.
Still have the razor blade throat but it eases with paracetamol.
Tim took me to the station on his way to work and l was soon on a train.
Home to a warm house, l left the thermostat on  very low so it must have been cold to click on.
Had some soup and it’s back on the sofa under the heated blanket.
Have cancelled tomorrow’s ballet as a precaution but hope to go on Thursday.

Tried to take Peggy’s photograph this morning but she was having none of it.
Usually she is such a placid dog.
Luckily Ruby,  who had her mum’s car for the day,  just called for a quick cup of tea before she picked her mum up from school so l grabbed my chance even though the light was poor.
Thank you Carolina.

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