Atop Mount BS

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I bumped into Ellie at the railway station today! 

She bought me a coffee and gave me a big hug. It set me up with nice vibes for the rest of the day. 

And boy did I need them. I sat through a 3 hour workshop today. I say workshop because I am too polite to say, "clusterf*ck".

So I'm starting to form opinions about Kiwibank.

- Nice people
- Good documentation
- Couldn't organise a p*ss up in the proverbial

HOLY EFFING ESS. The first thirty minutes of the meeting was spent working out what terminology we should use. Which I'm not entirely against, consistent terminology is important BUT - 



So. In addition to the above. Also.

I asked if someone was recording this meeting. And they said no because we don't record workshops. There was no reason given for this other than because. As far as I'm aware no-one took any notes and no-one is going to publish minutes. 

Which means the 30 minutes on terminology was kind of a waste because we're going to have to do that again NEXT time because no b*gger wrote it down.

So anyway. I spent my time rolling my eyes at another BA in the meeting via snarky Teams messages. It was sort of painful but at least I could look out of the window and take this photo and think about Xmas shopping. 

I spent my one productive hour of the day today buying presents for Hani and Zay and feeling happy. And to be clear, I'm not TOO grumpy about my day. It was boring and stupid, sure, but I've had worse. 

I also think I can improve things if they will let me. I'm basically going to adopt the Shenée method of just steaming in there and sorting this sh*t out. I know that sounds arrogant... but... well... I'm arrogant.

At the end of the day, Caro met me in her car at the railway station. This has now turned into a regular ritual. She picks me up and we go on a little adventure. It's nice. I enjoy this time together. We chat and we laugh and it's just fun.

I love my clever wife. She brought me back home, and DG rolled around and we met a neighbourhood doggie and then I got a cuddle from Jasper. 

And TOMORROW, I'll start sorting sh*t out. 


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