
By HarrythePotter


The garage still have my van, they found the problem yesterday, a split in a hose which they've fixed but, quite rightly, wanted to keep it to ensure there are no other leaks. I still have theirs so I can get to work.

Didn't go to the first job today, they cancelled thinking it was too cold, I'm sure they have my best interests at heart but I did have a plan of what to do which would be achievable.

Other than that work was the same as usual.

This evening was supposed to be RF's small choir's Christmas concert, that was still going ahead but she wasn't able to perform, I know she's very disappointed and lots of the other members sent her good wishes.

There were jobs I still had to do, collect and deliver wine then guide people to the correct hall.

The photo is a religious icon statue in the grounds of the hall, it looked beautiful in the dark and frosty night.

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