Down by the river Teign
which sadly runs parralel with the A38 so there is constant noise but it is still a pretty stretch running down the weir. I was looking for Old Man's Beard & lengths of ivy for Xmas decorations at home, so it's stopped off on my way home from Mum's.
It was bitterly cold when I walked Indie, but I was wearing plenty of layers, & by walking through the centre of the heathland managed to take advantage of the sunshine. Mum & I picked out the winners at Haydock & Cheltenham only to find all race meetings had been abandoned due to dangerous conditions underfoot. We thought as much, so we had a coffee & blueberry muffin each then out came the 500 piece jigsaw that we started longer ago than I can remember. 2 hours later we'd filled quite a few gaps.
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