Pink, it's the color of passion
So today I went to the Hairdresser.
the idea was to have a few random streaks of Scarlet strategically placed around my hair.
I sat, M put the foils in. Of a total of around 58 foils- there were maybe 6 red ones.
We went to wash it out, and she said "oh wow, the water is such a lovely colour of pink" I said to her, Hmm If the water is pink, is the colour washing out through my hair?
"No, No", she said. And then, "oh, I thnk It might have run a little bit.",
And I lay there, as I could feel her frantically wash the ends over and over.
She said, "i think I need to put a cleanser through it, it looks lik eit has spread too m uch".
"Hand me the mirror" I said. "No, it's just fine" I said.
And we went back and forth quite a lot with "I'll cleanse it", "no It's fine">
We moved to the chair and the cutting commenced. It was most definitely pink, but not nastily. It was certainly more than i was expecting, but hey - it;s hair. It's not the end of the world.
She finished cutting and then dried it. All the time saying "are you sure, are you sure".
Quite frankly, I thought it was lush.
What Himself was going to think about it, was another matter.
I text him and asked where he was - he was just going into a shop, so i followed him in and walked up behind him. He turned, Smiled when he seen it was me, and then looked at me again, and shouted "OH GOOD GOD".
I was gobsmacked.
And then he said "No, no, it's lovely, It just wasn't what I was expecting.
And we went for lunch
You can always see people looking, but to be honest, i think they are just wishing they were as daft.
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