A bit of an adventurous (for us) day today.  Woke up this morning to a smattering of snow and lots of ice.  Looking at the weather forecast for the forthcoming week we decided to go to Mum's today purely to deliver her shopping that we  had got for her whilst doing ours, and to take over various Christmas presents for her and family.

We tried to go about 11 o'clock.  We loaded the car put on walking shoes for grip on the pavements and tried to leave!!!!!

We couldn't get out of the drive as it was way too icy.  We tried putting sand down but to no avail.  Our little drive is on an incline  so that is probably why. On checking the road itself that was far too slippy as wel so we abandoned the idea.  Phoned Mum to explain.  She was fine with it of course.  Also told sister who lives in Lancaster and she said she would visit tomorrow as her boyfriend as a 4 wheel drive.

2 hours later everything seemed to have thawed a litte, so we thought we would try again.  Joy of joy we could get out of the drive.  It was a bit slippy going up Kentsford Road  but we took it very steady and once we were on the  main road down to Grange it was fine.  

We took it quite steady to be sure, amazing how many people didn't seem to bother with that, although most were like us.  It was fairly snowy right up until  we got to Carnforth, then it just disappeared.  Icy pavements but the roads were cleared, great for  us but not for pedestrians.   It always amazes me how the roads are salted but not the pavements - as they can be just as treacherous!!!

Anyway we got there safe and sound.  Delivered presents and food, picked up our presents and left quickly.

We thought we would call into Levens Kitchens for a late lunch on the way back.  We did call in but discovered that it was shut after 3.00 pm because they  had their Christmas thing on from 4.00 pm.  So we just turned round and left.  Feeling hungry, especially as it was now 3.00 pm we stopped off at The Hazlemere for a delicous home-made carrot and parnsip soup with a sandwich and I had a delicious Black Forest Hot Chocolate to follow.  Yummy.

We eventually got  home at 4.00 pm, just as everything was beginning to freeze up again.   Told Mum we were home and she told us, sadly, that my brother and his partner called round about 2 minutes after we left!!!!! Such a shame it would have been good to see them.  It was just totally unexpected, change of days due to weather.  Ah well never mind know doubt we will catch up eventually.  We intend to go over to Mum's again as soon as the weather clears as well. 

I will reply to your blips a bit later.  Now going to watch Nativity 2 on TV..

Confession time - we watched Elf yesterday - great movie!!!

Anyway that's all from  me for today.  Please do take care over the next few weeks everyone, especially those in areas like ours where its going to snow and/or icy, possibly for the next week.

See in extras, the tree I blipped yesterday, now surrounds by snow rather than by frost and taken whilst driving past in the car.  Went past this place 3 times in 4 days - not bad huh!!!

Take care and I will see you all tomorrow.

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