
By Paladian

Bush Track

After I took the Rower to the airport this morning (he's gone to Darwin to film a bodybuilding competition), I went up to the Belair Park for a spot of weeding.

Not quite sure why I did it, but I volunteered for a working bee to hand weed broom seedlings. Have you any idea the size of the Park? No? Well, it's 835 hectares. A hell of a lot bigger than my back yard. And they hand weed it! Luckily I was not required to weed all of it, but a sizable section on the side of a hill was tackled. I do now have an intimate knowledge of Moroccan Broom. And I don't like it.

More weeds

A vulnerable species of orchid is known to flourish in that particular spot. And of course I wanted to know the precise location, so I could blip it when the time comes.

Anyway, I only managed an hour before the knees totally clapped out, and I had to call it quits. It wasn't the weeding so much as the incline of the slope.

The gentleman in this shot was also a volunteer.

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