No knickers!! How rude!

Too icy to ride today so tried to get myself a bit more organised after work. We got the tree and put it up and I made some dog biscuits for customer presents. Annoyingly the gift boxes I ordered in November to put them in still haven't arrived so I'll have to go out hunting for something suitable to package them up in tomorrow. 

Tobes made pizza at school which we had for tea. I was very impressed.

Little Charley has to have an operation next week to have a growth removed from above his eye which is the vet is 95% sure isn't anything sinister. But she also discovered a growth in his gum which we hadn't noticed so it must have come up quickly and she is less sure that isn't cancer :0(

Also more worries with mum. She's having problems with her eyes now. Feels like there is no let up at the moment. 

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