"A Marmite moment?"

One of each - I LOVE it.  HE hates it.  
I did, however, get him to pluck up enough courage to taste the Peanut butter, which he does like, with added Marmite, which he doesn't. - He survived.

I thought it had altered more than somewhat; BUT a helluvalot more than I realised since I last bought any.

I went to check its history and discovered I was right:-
"The original recipe for Marmite contained yeast extract, salt, spices and celery." Found here if you're a "Lover".
Coincidentally - I hate that obnoxious weed at least as much as he hates Marmite©, if not more.
"The brand is more popular now than it ever has been, but it had its heyday when it first came out because it was the only food at the time that could give people vitamin B."

I compared it with the jar I have in.
Yeast extract (Contains Barley, Wheat, Oats and Rye)
Salt, Vegetable juice concentrate, 
Vitamins(Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid), Natural flavouring (Contains CELERY)
(WHY celery in Caps?)

"Woodjer bleeve" it's now in assorted forms, other than common or garden e.g.
Reduced Salt, Dynamite Chili, Truffle flavoured, XO-extra old "and finally Cyril"© that well known "Spanish Pop Singer - "El Ton John" Limited Edition.    ( : ¬ o)

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