Snow is Back

Must have snowed through the night, and more wintery showers today.  Breezy at times, calm this evening, and the ice is sparkling on the roads.

Day off and over slept, but my leg has been the better for it.  First walkies took us to Madeline's.  Mam and Laura picked me up at 11am, and we met Anne (Nicolson) at the Planticrub for for garden inspiration shopping.  We all headed to the Cornerstone for lunch.  An afternoon spent doing house chores, and got up some outside Christmas lights.  A fairly lazy evening by the fire, and walkies with Sammy.  Off to bed early. 

I wasn't expecting to see snow this morning when I woke, but here we are again.  Most of the showers throughout the day were sleet or hail puckles, the hills got more of a covering than this, but I lost the best of the light by then.  Looking like we might be in for more snow over the next week.  Will it be a white Christmas this year? Taken from the bottom of my street, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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