A Frosty Leaf

Another day of shopping - or rather, standing around waiting whilst Mrs madwill did a lot of browsing/shopping…in Northallerton. I dressed for outdoor conditions (cold and frosty) so the inside of the shops seemed very hot…and of course my ears were assaulted by an endless stream of ‘seasonal’ music….aaarrrggghhhh!

I was allowed to buy a couple of LED lightbulbs to replace some dodgy, worn out old style low energy bulbs. Ooh and I got some shaving soap and toothpaste too - yay :-)

The saving grace was that we went to The Golden Lion hotel and had a lovely roast turkey dinner. I also had a nice pint of beer…the one plus of not being allowed to drive!

Fortunately I had popped out into the garden for my blip photo before we set off.

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