Journey Through Time

By Sue



I had my Mother's Day movie with David today. Iron Man 3 was probably not as good, story wise, as the other two, but it was still a fun movie filled with special effects that always amaze me. One was pretty spectacular as it was "real" using a real live parachute jump team to do a stunt involving a group of people falling out of an airplane, and Iron Man figuring out how to save them all.

I'm showing you part of Cinetopia, which is a premiere luxury theater that opened in Vancouver some years ago. They now have one in our mall and one on Portland's east side. It is a comfortable place to see a movie, I gotta say. And if you want to experience the whole thing, then pony up some bucks and get dinner at Vinetopia, their restaurant, and try out their wine room, where you can try wine, one ounce at a time if you want. You can go out to their little outside area on the other side of those windows. You can eat in the theaters, and there is an adult only theater where you can sip your wine or beer while watching the movie. In the adult only side there are cushions to put your feet up on, and you can get so comfy, you might just fall asleep. Every seat in the house is good, as it is stadium seating and nobody's head is in your way. It's all pretty spiffy. Oh and the art on the wall is for sale. It is always changing.

The humidity is up and the air is a bit thicker so it feels a bit uncomfortable outside as it is quite warm. A needed cool down and a bit of rain will come at us on Mother's Day. Tomorrow will be our Mother's Day gathering, as David works on Sundays. Well, Bill does too, now...but it is easier now to do our "Sunday" holidays on Saturday.

Catch ya later.

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