Frosty walk

It was cold but the sun was shining so OH and I had a long walk along the river.  We set off fairly early (but not as early a M who sent me a picture of the sun rising).  We walked and chatted and got home for a late breakfast (porridge and compote - I’m determined to work my way through the freezer full of compote made from this years apples).  I was taking M to the flower warehouse for a beak round but called into TK Maxx en route to get some more tins for mince pies.  She enjoyed the warehouse and bought a few bits and we decided to stop for a coffee on the way home.  However coffee turned into a sandwich lunch and she suggested a glass of Prosecco!  Why not?  In view of lots going on I am having a few ‘Fuck it’ moments and just doing what feels good.

No.1 is on Day 17 and although OH was on standby she decided he wasn’t needed as she didn’t want to upset A who had organised Ubers for both journeys.  Lovely lady xx

Cosy evening binge 3 episodes of Harry and Megan and despite the revelations and views it just made me incredibly sad - how can families allow themselves to be torn apart.  Family is everything. 

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