As seen by me...

By GrantR

First shot with the 50mm prime

Working on a bank holiday is a double headed affair. On one hand it's great as it's a day at work without the usual hassles and stress, you get more done and it's relaxed. On the other hand it's a pisser being in work when the rest of the known world is out and about doing whatever they like.

Still, I went for a wander at lunch along the Water of Leith walkway to try out the new 50mm f1.8 prime lens I got on Saturday. Now, this was my first ever attempt with a fixed focal length lens. Taking a little getting used to and I like how if forces me to try and be a bit more creative.

No doubt it'll take a bit of getting used to before I get the best out of it but for now I'm quite happy with this shot. The DOF you can get from the lens is immense, not that dissimilar to the macro lens I've got and around 1/4 of the price!

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