When I got up this morning there was frost on the ground and it was  slippy underfoot. We did a food shop then Tony went to have his eyes tested because he needs reading glasses. She was very pleased with him and said there’s a big improvement in his eyesight since he had his cataracts done.
I’m going to the dentist tomorrow morning because my tooth’s been aching all week. It’s only for a check up but I hope she can do something with it. Tony’s wearing a heart monitor at the moment we put it on last night, it has to be on for 48 hours.
Today’s blip is Dexter having a snooze after his walk this morning. I think he’s got the right idea snuggling up under the blanket.
 Thank you for your lovely comments and hearts for yesterdays red kite it’s much appreciated and I do love seeing them in the trees looking down at me. Enjoy your evening everyone.

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