
By KCNQ2Haiku

Full moon

It's a bit nippy..
don't you all think? And it's 
very busy here.

Full moon, look! I do like a moon photo :-)
Morning started with the usual pre-school routine drama :-/ Then it was freezing, then the traffic was bad :-( I rushed to my first knee physio appointment, scraped in through the door.  I'm not sure how impressed I was, I think I might look elsewhere for someone different.
Anyway, have I mentioned the arctic climate??  Poorly insulated 1930s houses are not designed for this weather.  Brr.
This afternoon I fetched Ben a bit early as he had a diabetes appointment, he arrived at the car with no glasses and carrying two lenses and some broken (glasses) arms in his bag.  Sigh.  I still don't have the spare pair approved on the NHS, so that will be another week or so without glasses for him.  Having said that, he was a total angel at his diabetes appointment. It's been about six months since the last one, it can go either way for Ben, he sometimes gets overwhelmed and has struggled in the past but mostly he likes the predictability of the different elements: height and weight; finger prick for HbA1C; blood pressure; podiatry check; urine sample - always fun(!); blood tests and finally chat with the consultant and dietician.  I on the other hand.. hate all the faff and it never feels like it provides any real value but I like to keep them sweet (pardon the pun) as there are times it's really useful to have them at the end of the phone for problems and queries.  The nurses are really lovely too, one particular one has been there for years and always makes a fuss of Ben, she couldn't believe how much he's grown since May, in fairness neither can I!
Grandma was here afterwards so there's been some cold bouncing on the trampoline and computer games.  Other than that, I think I'm out. 
Watch out for werewolves everyone!

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