A Day in the life

Much has changed since we employed our newly qualified nurse Alepher. I say our, since we employed her 4 years ago, lost her to nursing then had to pay most of her fees since the Government didn't. Then she worked for us on her days off and holidays. She did well and qualified and then even though we paid, the Hospital has no money for a graduation!!
Today she visited Miriam early,
Went to our health clinic to be on hand for the birth of a bouncing naby boy to Chatity Shawa (as Robert puts it), but could only administer panadol.
Then she weighed our new charge Fortunate who weighed 7 kg a week ago and he is 4 years old with Cistic Fibrosis (Horrendous story),
Then it was innoculations
Then off to visit Mary's Gogos (grannies with orphan grand ) children to visit, see how they were medically and view the circumstances.

The picture is of Alepher with Gogo Tundulenji Mwale at her home

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