Hopeful Rose

The tiny, rescued rose bush in our front garden is still flowering and forming new buds - in December, seven months after I blipped it for the first time this year. How unusual is that?

Sadly, my day was everything but rosy. I went out for a few errands, and got insulted as stupid for still wearing a face mask in the shop - by one of our next-door neighbours. I was shocked speechless, which doesn't happen very often.
There's no progress on finding a care solution for my mother, nor on the work front. As I wrote to fellow blipper Elwetritsche this morning, I might have no other option than to move in with my mother for most of the next month, cancel the new job project, and leave P and the cats on their own over Christmas. 

I haven't quite given up hope yet, but after a day of unsuccessful phone calls and emails, I am feeling rather depressed. 

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