Multi-faith building

At the end of term last year I came home from school with several boxes balanced on my bike, bearing Matthew's half-finished DT/RE project. An odd joint subject, but the goal was to build a place of worship shared by both Christians and Muslims, and his design had been sufficiently ambitious he hadn't been able to finish it.  Having been sitting in his room for nearly 6 months, gradually gathering more and more boxes, we sat down and I helped him finish it off.

At the front is a path and a garden, and an entrance into the lobby, where you can sit down and remove your shoes. On the right a tunnel connect you to a Christian worship room, with cross on the wall and an altar. Back in the lobby a room on the right (in blue) is a washroom for the muslim worshippers. The two big rooms on the left are for men and women to worship, and we added a tower at the back.

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