Abandoned beauty

Monday 5th December 2022

I was up early to do some final preparation before logging on to zoom at 8.30am. A full day of zoom meetings until 6pm, as I was taking part in the Stage 1 Vocations panel. It's very intense, with eight candidates and therefore eight reports to write between meetings and a moderation meeting at the end of the day. I then only had an hour before a church meeting this evening, preparing for early next year. 

My blip is a break from Christmas decorations as I didn't make it down to church at all. There was a knock at my door just before I finished one meeting and as I had a few minutes before the next I went outside to see if the person was still there ... they weren't, but I found this on the path at the end of my drive. There are no bushes for it to fall from. I wonder where it came from.  I nearly stepped over it and left it but then I remembered to take a moment to acknowledge it was there, enjoy its beauty and take its photo.

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