New microwave

The paint had worn off the innards of the last one, leaving the metal exposed which all looked a bit hazardous. At least the replacement was easy as they delivered within 24 hours and took the old one away.

I started the day with my usual bellringing but felt a bit out of sorts as we were ringing. I had to stand my bell mid way in the end as I thought I was about to faint.  Then I had the joy of lying on the floor with an audience until my blood pressure sorted itself out.  I felt a bit out of it for the rest of the day so am planning a few days of taking it easy.  I do get this from time to time as I have low blood pressure and I guess when I am a bit below par, it just dips a bit too much.

I had an afternoon nap so I was awake enough for the England match. It was nice to see the win - now we just have to cross fingers for the match against France at the weekend.

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