Early blip
Why is it that when I know I have to get up early, I sleep so badly? The painters were coming to pick up their equipment this morning having left it in the garage over the weekend. I set my alarm for 7.30 and was still wide awake at 4 30 am. I could just have started awake. As it happened I then fell sound asleep and when my alarm went off was very disorientated for several minutes.
I got up, dressed and then went back to bed with a cup of coffee until the painters arrived. Secure in the knowledge that at least I was respectable enough to answer the door. As it happened they didn't arrive till 11 so it was all unnecessary.
We headed off to Kinnaird Park to the FatFace shop to buy a present. Still not used to what's going on at Leith Walk. We came up Pilrig, turned south towards town and then found ourselves unable to turn left off Leith Walk, not even at London Road. We ended up going via Calton Road, which actually has temp traffic lights on it, but in any case is unsuitable for increased traffic. Is the London Road change permanent does anyone know?
Other than that, the drive was fairly straightforward, except for my usual moan about carriageway Lane markings being done too late of you are not sure of your route. Lots of people were changing lane after finding themselves in the wrong one.
This ?attractive? beast was to be found at Fort Kinnaird, I think it's a bear, complete with flashing lights.
Early dinner this evening of sausages from Broughton Market before heading out to bridge
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