
By stujphoto

The first to return....

Today has been a bit of a mish mash of a day. I did not sleep at all well last night but felt OK after my morning swim. I set my water droplet equipment in the garage as this is the only place in the property that I can effectively blackout during daylight hours. I don't know whether it was the new working environment or my tiredness but I singularly failed to get a satisfactory image. The highlights were burnt out and I was using too wide an aperture. I had maybe left it too long since my last attempt so I had forgotten all my settings. Thankfully due to EXIF data i will be able to go back to my previous settings when I have another go.

The weather was becoming overcast and rainy but gave me sufficient time to get a bird blip near to my bird feeder. I have not filled up my feeder until today for one reason or another so I was surprised just how quickly the birds returned especially as I was in full view just sitting on the patio some 5 yards away with a tripod and very large lens. This chaffinch was one of the first to arrive and I thought he looked rather smart in among the fresh leaves on the tree.

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