Beach walk

No.1 was feeling good this morning after a busy day yesterday and a good nights sleep.  We didn’t rush but left around 12.00 and went to the coast for a long walk.  We called into the fish shop first and bought so lovely fresh fish.  It was close to 9k but we stopped half way for a coffee and cake.  Journey back to the car was better as it was not so windy.

Called into MIL for a quick hello then home for dinner and watch the football.  

No.1 starting to lose some of her hair which is heartbreaking to see.  I am hoping that it will only be a small area and she can cover with a scarf or styling her hair differently.  She is continuing to be brave and face it head on but this could be the first visible sign of what she is actually going through.  How I wish we could change places. 

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