
By KCNQ2Haiku

Silver birches

Long, leaning birches,
like a tower in Pisa,
wave us down the path.

Well, feels like a long day.  Ben woke at 4:20am.  Say no more! He has actually been pretty good but it's still a lot.  Had a walk this morning and then spent some time trying to get on top of the 'present situation' (in terms of Christmas, rather than 'what's currently going on here'!!). We had a nice lunch, Mr KCNQ2Haiku went out to mooch for electric guitars, he was very excited to return with a particularly lovely one, he's been looking at for a while.  Then I tidied up my wardrobe, not that interesting but quite necessary and we headed out for out Sunday walk in the woods.  This photo is one of the paths that we usually go down and today Mr KCNQ2Haiku asked if I'd ever photographed the trees.  As is usually the case, my response was, "I don't really have the lens for that today.." :-D But I managed to make the macro lens focus in more or less the right place and I was quiet pleased with it, so thank you to my lovely husband.  He has a great eye for all sorts of artist things, so he's pretty useful to have around ;-)
We've been having technical issues today and as well as an artistic streak Mr KCNQ2Haiku is the tech expert in the house, so he's been knee deep in trying to sort out getting Ben's Dexcom data to talk to his Garmin watch.  We can get it on my Apple Watch but there's a whole other layer of creating online virtual computers and then websites to get to where we need it to work with the other watch.  
Anyway, that's about it.  Looks like it will be a footbally evening.  Can't believe the weekend is almost over!

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