Parkrun 200

As many people know…..Sat = Parkrun day and this morning I was running my 200th event at the same time as friend V.

We actually ran our 50th and 100th at the same time too. Need to plan our 250th alignment :-)

In the evening we had another gymnastics competition for L through at Hamilton. It was the time of year for the Holly Jolly event and L did not disappoint. Carrying on from last weeks success, L won first place overall. First place on bars and second place on beam.

Her team also won best team for the competition as her teammates also did fantabulous too.

It was a late night so I got dropped off at the cricket club for a couple of pints before closing.

Very proud parents again of L. She’s had some challenges this year at school, with (so called) friends and getting closer to the teenage years.

The last two weeks has shown just what she is capable of and just needs to focus on all the positive energy and surround herself with positive energy.

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