It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

81.1% Waxing Gibbous 3rd December 2022

Well a weekend of not much except getting my studio doors sorted.
Every temperature change the doors either drop or rise so I  can not close or lock them. 
The guy that put our windows in came round and took the bottom panels out and the locking parts out and we could see the the middle bit over the doors has dropped. Warwick buildings have skimped on the doors and windows and only packed them out with bits of wood, which have started to go mouldy! So our guy re packed them with the proper plastic spacers and did a bit of hacksawing of the lock inerds and hey presto with now have a 3mm gap to play with if they happen to drop again ....(which won't happen as Andy has packed them out properly)
So now I am free to go in and out of my lovely studio in the winter months. I have some boys being brought over tomorrow for their school pics as the mum wanted me to do it.
In other news I've completed the Wedding pics! All 314 have been put on a memory stick that Ill give to the bride and groom tomorrow eve.
I have lots of little projects to try out in their now so that's all sorted.
First time tonight in ages I've been able to see the moon! So I snapped it with my new 50-250 lens but as I love the moon I put the 600mm on to capture it in its full glory.
Monday night at 9pm I start back on nights for a few precious weeks....Yay


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