A local special breed of reindeer tractor for Xmas . The village and beyond turned out en masse for the Xmas market, Carols, Xmas lights got turned on , soup and mulled wine ( with an extra Irish nip) was provided . Santa arrived by pony and trap ( ie my friend Susan and Little Black , who got rather frisky and did mini rears down most of the Main Street )! Then there was a parade with all this years winning junior and senior Gaelic athletic teams, waving their flags and trophies and then the farmers showed off their tractors .
I got to meet up with some of the last few years homebirth babies and mums which was special and heart warming ( just as well as it was pretty cold) . Kids all had a great time , they’re getting covered in bubbles in the picture, the farmer had a bubble gun on the back and it ‘snowed ‘ for 10 mins - magic .
Park walk with Liz and hack out with Caelan this morning, I managed to go with only one stirrup (doh) so stuck to walk or canter , it worked quite well !

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