Westhaven beach

16.2C with bright spells and fluffy white clouds. Breezy. Darker clouds appearing as the afternoon wore on.

This morning I sowed some beetroot, Swiss chard, and spring onions in the little veg bed I dug over yesterday. The rest of the veg will be planted out when the plants in the greenhouse are ready and have been hardened off in cold frames. Fingers crossed for some decent crops later in the year.

The forecast was for rain to come in the afternoon so Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk before lunch again. It was pleasantly warm. The tide was further out today and as you can see 'Valhalla VI' was lying in the sand in the channel through the rocks. 'Shamara II' was out at sea.

Today's blip is the view we get just as we approach the Fishermen's huts if we have crossed the railway line at the level crossing and walked along the grass area rather than along the beach. The blue on the horizon is Fife.

We stood at this spot and had a good look out to sea and along the beach.

Tomorrow Apothecary7, Maeve, and I are going West. We have rented a cottage near the tip of the Cowal peninsula in Argyll for a week. The cottage doesn't have Wifi. Back blips and catching up to do when we get back I expect !

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