I was on " Luna Duty " this afternoon so I got my usual bus to Swalwell.  It wasn't too cold at home but down in Swalwell it was foggy and a lot colder. I didn't go to Lidl as I was intending to go to Aldi after I left Neil's. 

As I walked across the footbridge over the River Derwent I spotted lots of junk sticking out.  The river level is very low at the moment and pieces of rubbish and debris  have just started appearing.  I saw a few old tyres, bollards and bits of metal - and whatever you can see in my blip shot. It could be parts of a motorbike maybe.  The little duck seems to be checking it out.  Thanks to 60plus for hosting the Derelict Challenge.

Luna was in a quiet mood today so we didn't play as much.  I had brought her a new toy chew toy which she gnawed on for a while - and quite a few treats were consumed.

Rachael was working from home upstairs but she did pop down for a break so we had a good catch up.  I found out a bit more about the aborted trip to Vietnam.  Seems like a catalogue of errors with no one person at fault.  She has worked from home all week so at least its been an easier week with no commute. Not quite the same as being in Vietnam though.

After leaving Neils I got the bus to Dunston to go to Aldi.  I had mentioned to Rachael that I was going there and she told me Neil was working in Dunston today  ( right next to Aldi )  so I popped in to see him at work. Aldi was really busy but I wasn't in any hurry and had a leisurely shop.  Had to wait 20 mins for a bus home .

Strange watching Strictly on a Friday night.  Enjoyed it as it was musicals week.

Steps today - 10,214

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