-13 C/9 F

Still cold and missing
the sunshine - wishing for spring,
warm air and flowers


It was a calm -15 C when I left home this morning. My first stop was some donations to aid our local hospice. Then I was off to RIverside Park to see what winter looks like there. 

I parked by Heritage House to walk down to the pier. It was already 11 AM. I was hoping to get my blip before any flurries arrived as promised for the afternoon. 

A small flock of Canada geese were scattered over the grass in front of the bandshell. Further ahead, I could hear the unmistaken sound of geese on the river. As I walked up to the pier I was surprised by the mix of Canada geese and trumpeter swans gathered along the frozen shelf of the river. They seemed to be a compatible group. I caught a pair of goldeneye ducks fishing along the same shelf. 

My fingers were starting to freeze as I stood on the end of the pier. I looked towards the west and the Overlander Bridge to see a snow cloud approaching like fog. The tiniest flakes of snow were hurling about. I tucked my camera inside my jacket and walked back to the car with some haste. 

I'm in for the day still sorting. It's a grey day that's best ignored. 

We are in for a cloudy day with a chance of snow flurries. I'm encouraged to see that there is a gradual warming over the next few days. 

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