
By KCNQ2Haiku

Elf day..

One little school Elf..
actually not so little..
and just a monkey.

A bit of a mixed day.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku is home :-D (that is one of the good bits), the morning was busy, I had to do an insulin pump change before school and was running a little late. Ben had a big trip to Decathlon with school to buy cycling gear (knee pads and helmet) so he was very giddy.  At lunch time I had my Home-Start volunteers' Christmas lunch and quiz.  It's extra fun for me because they're all my old colleagues too so I was able to have a good catchup.  I was there for 2 hours and 25 mins and had 2 phone calls from school during that period.  A perfect reminder of why it is I can't hold down a job at the moment :-/ Ben was OK enough though, some high bloods at one point and then some problem with carb counting a snack they were giving him. I knew he'd be wired as the morning at Decathlon would have been so exciting for him. As predicted, as I arrived to collect him he was stood there with his shoes off and glasses off being restrained by staff .. sigh.  I pulled up and he was swearing and kicking.  I managed to sit next to him and try to offer a sense of calm.  Then slowly he began to be distracted by some deep pressure.. pushing and pulling activities and got in the car to home.  Good to have a win but it would be better if it wasn't necessary.  
In fairness, I think we're all ready for the weekend!
The photo is Ben before school as it was dress as an Elf day to raise money for an Alzheimer's charity.  Ben was quite happy with his hat.

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