2896. Grrrrr!
I ordered a sound bar for my eldest step daughter from CEX on Sunday. They sent it to DPD on Tuesday from East Kilbride (Scotland) which is about 50 miles away from me. I checked the tracking to see when it might arrive and this is what it shows. It was picked up in East Kilbride and transported to Durham (England) then on to Birmingham (England and about 350 miles from me!) then finally sent back to Dundee (Scotland which is about 20 miles from me!). It’s out for delivery just now. What on earth are DPD doing? They have all this green propaganda all over their web site but their practices are far from eco friendly. Why does a parcel sent within Scotland HAVE to transit via Birmingham some 350 miles from where it started when it only had to come 50 miles? It seems like madness to me……rant over….
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