My Sitting Room View

My view includes Taylor Wimpeys partially completed rail fence and the soon to go Newt protector plastic. I love watching the birds and squirrels hop about on the wood pile. I have started leaving bird seed on the fence posts. You also sometimes see the deer in the field through the gaps.

The farmer has been busy clearing the shrubbery and it was brightening up our sitting room beautifully.

Then they started erecting a 6' fence with a barbed wire top. I absolutely HATE barbed wire. Its cruel to animals and have a bad personal experience with an imitation barbed wire whip made of leather. (Partly the reason my ex is my ex) so I'm absolutely dreading seeing it stretching across the front of the house but will just have to find ways to deal with it. I plan to hang lots of bird feeders and secretly plant a few climbers to hide the wire.

Its a shame we won't see the deer right outside the house but at least they will be safe behind a 6' fence!!!

I went to help DN2 who kindly had Matty for me today. I went to her house to be a 2nd pair of eyes and sit and read books. Jasper has taken to digging his little hands into my squishy tummy and laying on me for a cuddle whilst fiddling with my skin!!! He pulls at his mummies neck skin as he falls asleep!! Its his little comfort thing but told him he won't be able to still do that when he's 18!!!

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