The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Advent calendar

I'm back! I have a new phone. My last phone had an expensive accident. Ouch.

Right now I'm lying on a hotel bed somewhere near Grantham, but I started my day at home in Stroud, with my pukka teabag advent calendar (three gingers was the tea of the day, sounds Glaswegian).Steve has a crossword-a-day advent calendar, absolutely beautiful design, but I'm biased because I chose it!

As for the Lincolnshire trip, I'm off with friend D to see Lincoln and Newark Christmas markets. We didn't see much from the coach because it was so foggy this morning, and it was motorway all the way. Tamworth services didn't have much in the way  gf lunch options. I was glad of the mince pie I'd brought. 
The hotel we are staying in is fairly luxurious, but the food is Rather Plain. Maybe that is what the caterers think that coach parties prefer. They may be right.

Lincoln tomorrow. Watch this space. 

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