Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Saint Andrew's Day 2022.

As well as St. Andrew's Day being the patron saint for Scotland, on this day, I discovered on YouTube, Saint Galgano, also well worth studying his life. It was a lovely cold November Wednesday here in Rishton.
I have a new Kodak bridge camera but I have a lot to learn to achieve decent photos. This blip was not outstanding. There are some great settings.
I turned 67 today and my near and dear ones were very kind.  I heard from my Rishton friend Lynn who used to care for Arthur our cat who passed in June. I miss Arthur even now.
I heard from my dear sister.
Maria my daughter sent some flowers and a lovely birthday card.
It is 3c now but pleasantly not to cold.
The heating goes off over night.
The plants, of which there are many, need a certain amount of warmth to not close down and fail. Most are coping.
All in all a memorable birthday.
Many thanks for dropping by.

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