It comes out...

A very busy day at work getting a pack ready for a meeting.  Lots of bits to bring together and lots being changed right up to the last minute but it has been sent out.  The next challenge is doing the minutes for the meeting, which is first thing on Thursday.  I guess remembering to connect in super early on Thursday might be a challenge as well!

Also during the day another chap came to look at the roof.  He says it is leaking somewhere but the water is probably being driven in by the wind.  We await to hear from NHBC but he could quote if needs be.

It was also time for Holly and Claude’s booster jabs today, they were not happy to see the cat basket come out of the cupboard and both tried to hide.  Claude really did not want to go in.

All was okay at the vets, they had both lost some weight (but are still a little over weight – aren’t we all..) and we agreed to keep Claude on his various pills and special food. 

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