
By GreenArcher

365 + 65: Waxing Crescent

May I state quite calmly and politely that this is MY interpretation of my imagery.

YES there are some areas which are blown out. The angle I took this shot is partly to blame for that as the cables seem to solidify, on one side, towards the top of each tower. 

From summer to date these cables have been getting cleaned - to prevent the build up of dirt, which in turn retains water which will form icicles when it is sufficiently cold enough. Cleaner cables will reflect more light!

I can see two ways of getting around this problem. Two ways to do this are to shoot from the west footpath on the road bridge (currently the barrier is down - no access) This will be as close to a right angle as I can get with a stills camera. Or use my drone. This was a non-starter that night - due to the haar and no line of sight for safe flying.

I'm well aware of the blown out highlights in this image and have cycled it through Lightroom, Photoshop and Affinity Photo in an attempt to rectify this problem - but to no avail. I've been through quite a number of combinations of Exposure; Brightness; Blackpoint and so on.

In conclusion, if anyone has a better nighttime image of this bridge in haar or fog I’d love to see it. Positive feedback is always welcome

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