It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Well thankfully today has been a good day. 

I got a couple loads of ironing done before the wildlings left for school and nursery.  I then went with the jedi to have a coffee with my friend.  She's not long been diagnosed with breast cancer but thankfully it was caught in time . She's still to go for treatment but the outcome looks good. 

Csme back home and put the Christmas tree together.  I did the lights and then I left it for all the wildlings to decorate when they got home. Let's see how long it lasts with the jedi. He's worse than a cat. 

Xander had a great day as he went for swimming lessons with the school.  He can't swim and the waiting list for lessons here is over 2 years . He's getting 9 lesson's.  So hopefully that gives him a good start. I'm trying to rope Mr R into coming swimming at a weekend.  I need them all to get use to the water more. Especially Carson.  He hates a swimming pool, but he would quite happily try and jump into a lake thinking its a giant puddle. 

Everyone has been on good form today. Although Carson keeps saying his winky snake hurts. I'm hoping he doesn't have a infection.  I'll give him a day before I call his doc. 

It's pizza night for the wildlings,  except Lincoln.  He's so weird with certain foods. He can have avocado on toast. 

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