New Beginnings
Back on July 15th I posted the Sedums in full flower. A real splash of colour, The flowers have faded and left the seed heads, which I have started to prune. But below the new shoots have appeared, which hopefully will delight us next year.
Did a bit of shopping this morning, got into Tesco and S'bury's early, and was home for elevenses. Chatting to the Tesco till lady, and passing comment about traffic, she told me it took her and hour to get into work this morning, a 3 mile journey!!
Spent an hour out in the garden this afternoon, and have a full green bin to be emptied in the morning. Still plenty more to do, but the ground is still a bit wet, maybe leave it tomorrow as have a zoom Interval class in the morning, and trip out to the Medical Centre for a pneumonia jab in the afternoon.
Thank you for dropping by, it is appreciated :-)
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