More online painting

I found this intensely difficult to paint but looking at it now I quite like it.. it is always good to get away from a painting once it is finished and revisit it later in the day.  Sometimes you see things you can change and at other times paintings you enjoyed painting look horrible and others that you stuggled with actually look better than you thought!
This afternoon will be taken up collecting cars from service, picking up a free side board cupboard thing in which  to stash my projects and tidy another area of the house.. andI am going to have a first foray into investigating hybrid cars.  My old (rather wonderful) diesel Golf convertible has to go.. there is more water ingress and I cannot cope with another winter of mould and horrific expense to strip out the carpets and fix leaks.. they seemingly thought they fixed the leak last year but now there is another.  Time to go... 

PS  Husband collected said cupboard and when I opened it I found a box.. on it was written ' Make your Christmas more fun' Elfkini 'one size fits most'  To my amusement I opened it up and found  the contents still there.. but in an open plastic packet.. hmm... on second thoughts .. !!

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