Thursday: Duga Res

It was K.'s birthday today so I had the day off work so that we could celebrate.  We slept later than usual, K. opened her presents, and then we went out for the day.

On the way we had an adventure when we stopped to fill up with petrol this morning.  There was a woman on the side of the road, with a small girl of about 3 and a dog. The woman seemed completely spaced out - sadly, the assumption was drink but I may be wrong - anyway, it transpired that they had lost their guinea pig in the bushes.  K. and I spent the next 45 minutes in the undergrowth, trying to retrieve said guinea pig.  It was obviously terrified, and very elusive, but in the end, I managed to coax it out and K. caught it when it came out of the bushes.  Once we had reunited them with their guinea pig, it turned out that they had three friends sitting in a car just watching.  We don't quite understand what was going on, but at least we got the guinea pig.

After that, with twigs and brambles hanging off us, we went on our way to Duga Res, about 1 hour from Zagreb.  Four rivers converge there and the colour of the water is amazing!  It is a veritable maze of waterfalls and rivers.

And then a wonderful dinner out tonight, consisting of Pag cheese curd, followed by wild boar.

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