
By Telthecelt

Skunk Cabbage

Lysichiton americanus at the bottom of my garden. Also called swamp lantern (great name!) it is an import from marshes on the Pacific coast of the USA. I think I read somewhere that in starvation situations settlers and native Americans have eaten it. I helped my self to a bit of root on an old estate probably about 20 years ago and stuck it in the damp corner of the garden next to what I laughingly call my pond (5 inch deep plastic tray). It survived and two flowers come up this time every year. The whole yellow part is probably around a foot tall. Those are very tiny flies on the inside I think.
Taken with my new toy (Nokia Lumia 520) to see how close I could get.
Rest of the day was very satisfyingly spent planting spuds and onion sets, seeds in the greenhouse and generally propagating and tidying up.
Cheminea was busy too incinerating old dry vegetation. Bonfires good!

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