Lights and a duff Hurricane!

Spent some time up a ladder late afternoon, after putting up the lower outside lights. Marlane is very wary of me being up ladders nowadays, I am tending to get the odd dizzy spell (low blood pressure I think) so she was at the bottom keeping it steady. Pretty precarious up there anyway getting those lights up so high with just stepladders.
The other one is my RAF Museum Bauble of a Hurricane. There was a bit of a crash, or should I say Prang. Took a little while to realise what it was. One of the silver wreaths, on the side walls of the extension, had fallen. Marlane had put my surviving 3 baubles onto these wreaths but now I'm down to two. The spitfire got smashed last year and this year it is the turn of the Hurricane, one of my favourite aircraft.
I am now left with two other favourites, the Victor and the Lancaster. At least my Bomber Command has survived, which is nice as HQ Bomber Command was my first posting out of training.

Now, why is the Hurricane one of my favourites?
When I was in Apprentice training, we had two 'Air Experience' flights, in Chipmunks, at RAF Cosford.
Each time, for me, I had Sqn Ldr Jacevicz (veteran of Battle of Britain after escaping from Poland when Hitler invaded). He was an incredibly nice officer and treated us youngsters with great respect and kindness (I was only 16.5 when I arrived at Cosford).
Each time he asked if I wanted aerobatics or take the controls. I opted for controls, knowing what my stomach was like on fairground rides.
When we had a debriefing, after both flights were completed, he said to the room of 54 apprentices;
"Apprentice Amos, Where were you during the war, we could have done with more Spitfire Pilots"

"Apprentice Rose (that's me!), Very good flying, you would have made a good Hurricane pilot" (You can imagine how thrilled I was!).

"Apprentice Shatford, you should have been in bloody Lancasters" with which the room erupted into guffaws of laughter. He was obviously a bit heavy handed for a Chipmunk.

This story was told to our children, many years ago, and they are convinced I was a Hurricane pilot during WWII, despite the fact I wasn't born until 1948.

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