
We both tested negative this morning. We should have felt joyful but still just feel tired.

Blurb sent a 50% off offer (only till midnight) so I did a spell check and proofread of my cookery book. I started in lockdown and it’s been an on-going long term project. Yesterday I culled some recipes but the book is really too large still.

I took a break and we had a 2.25 mile walk this afternoon. The sun had already sunk behind Simonside at 3pm and it’s still another 4 weeks till the shortest day. Tomorrow I’ll try to go further.

The children and their mums were at the Newcastle women’s match yesterday at St James’s Park, right at the top back. They really enjoyed it, though #2 daughter says rugby is more fun to watch. Luckily Newcastle won 2-1.

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